35+ People Are Sharing the Worst “Adult Tantrums” They’ve Witnessed Firsthand

People Share the Worst “Adult Tantrums” They’ve Witnessed

These people are sharing the worst temper tantrums they’ve seen – and no, they’re not tantrums thrown by children, they were adult tantrums! Some you have to laugh at, and some are just plain ridiculous. From flipping over shopping carts to throwing shoes at people and trying to climb counters, check out these crazy tantrums some adults are capable of. It might surprise you just how childish, ridiculous, and over-the-top these people behaved.

No Pepperoni

People can be so dramatic, and this woman is one of them. Yelling at the Subway staff because they didn’t have pepperoni. It’s hardly their fault! The funny thing is that there was pepperoni sitting there if she’d only bothered to look.

No Pepperoni

This woman doesn’t deserve to get any pepperoni and certainly needs to rethink how adults should react to disappointment. If this ruins her life, imagine how she’d react to something more major.

Getting Off the Plane

One woman wants to get off the plane. She’s having a tantrum and expects the crew and passengers to stop and land the plane so she can get off. We’d hate to see what happens when someone is extra rude to her.

Getting Off the Plane

We would’ve given her a parachute and said “No worries, off you go.” Would she have been ranting about getting off the plane then? Why should they land it and inconvenience everyone just for her?

That’s My Seat

In the middle of worship, a parishioner walked into her local church and flipped out because there was another couple in her spot. She didn’t nicely request that next time can they perhaps avoid sitting there; instead, she ranted and raved that it was her spot and they should move.

That’s My Seat

The woman got very angry and created a scene when they refused to move. She threatened to leave the church, but to her surprise, everyone clapped and didn’t bother stopping her. Well, who would, with that childish behavior?

Too Good for Buses

Excited to be heading out to a friend’s party for her birthday with some friends? Sure, sounds like a plan! So we’ve all caught a bus from time to time to get around, but it’s clear that one girl there is too good to get on a bus.

Too Good for Buses

Instead of being grateful that she’s enjoying her birthday with her friends, she’s sulking because she had to take the bus. Have you ever heard such rot from a grown woman? Next time her friends should let her celebrate her birthday alone.

Do You Know My Dad?

Here’s another tantrum that seems downright ridiculous. So he strolls over to the food area and helps himself without asking and without permission to be there. He has every right to do what he wants because his father is important, and he doesn’t like authority figures.

Do You Know My Dad?

Ha ha, Sorry, mate, but that isn’t going to help. The man could’ve left. Instead, he decided to cause a scene, so they brought the authorities in.

iPhone Tantrums

Many people get too serious about getting the latest iPhone on release day. Wow, a woman that is 24 years old acted like a child crying because she’d received the wrong color phone.

iPhone Tantrums

We would say it wasn’t the end of the world, but she believes it was. There are worse things and bigger problems than getting the wrong colored phone. Was it worth the tantrum when all it took was just switching the phone over?

McDonald’s Fit

McDonald’s is well known for tantrums, but the fact that they are adult tantrums is terrible. How do you avoid laughing at these ridiculous tantrums? All because he couldn’t use the toilet, he chucked the food and walked out.

McDonald’s Fit

It didn’t stop there. The man returned to the store and asked to get a refund for the food. Treating him like a child would’ve worked best for this tantrum. Perhaps just reply by saying he was naughty and shouldn’t get any more food, nor his refund.

Eating Out Is Entertaining

Eating out at a restaurant can often turn entertaining very quickly. Seeing an older man grabbing a server and yelling at him was funny. The funniest part was when the wife turned around and said it wasn’t the right waiter. Has everyone forgotten to think before acting?

Eating Out Is Entertaining

Instead of apologizing, he storms out in a huff but returns shortly later to receive a punch in the head from his wife. It’s a good thing she sees how silly his behavior was.

Bike Troubles

Ok, so a customer has a bike with a battery that doesn’t work. First, you will not get a new bike but a battery replacement. When the sales associate offers that, there’s a problem. The customer wants a new bike, and he wants one now.

Bike Troubles

So he throws a tantrum in the store, throws the bike, and starts yelling like a three-year-old. The salesperson ended up with an injured ankle, and the culprit had some time-out in jail. Sounds like he got the right discipline.

Supermarket Fury

What could go wrong with shopping in the supermarket? Oh, of course, someone manages to make trouble. Someone refusing to move their shopping card ends up causing chaos. A shopping cart push and shove turns ugly when one ends up on the floor, and curse words are thrown around.

Supermarket Fury

It’s typical for adults who act like children and don’t move out of the way so someone can get what they need to end up in an argument. It’s funny that the toddler is more behaved in this situation than the adults.

Just Another McDonald’s Tantrum

McDonald’s tantrums are nothing out of the ordinary. Just like this woman who demands the staff hurry up because she has to drop her child off somewhere. Upon being told she needs to wait longer, she flips into a fury and starts going off.

Just Another McDonald’s Tantrum

She slams her hands on the counter and starts swearing and acting childish. Eventually, she was thrown out of the shop after trying to climb the front counter. She had terrible behavior because she didn’t get her food right when she wanted it.

What a Silly Excuse

A man walked into a store and was asked to wear a mask. We’re still laughing at the excuse he came up with for not needing to wear one. His service dog needs to be able to smell his breath because of his medical condition. Really?

What a Silly Excuse

Well, that’s a new one, but that excuse doesn’t work. Then he accuses the store of discrimination, probably because he knew the excuse wasn’t working.

Crying Over Eggs

Well, a tantrum over eggs is a new one. A woman is served eggs for breakfast from the family she was staying with. Backyard chicken eggs are brown, which is common knowledge, and it doesn’t mean anything. She kicked up a fuss over them and even started hysterically crying.

Crying Over Eggs

It’s not something we would’ve had a crying fit over, but hey, she went to McDonald’s and ended up getting breakfast. She can enjoy her store-bought eggs by herself the next time she visits. What nerve!

Mr. Musician

So people who make music are called musicians, right? Ah, apparently, no, they aren’t. Well, that’s what one guy thinks. When this man was called a musician, he explained he was a prodigy. Then he went on to have a tantrum and insulted everyone who wasn’t even involved.

Mr. Musician

He then dumped his girlfriend, laughed at her, but still slept in her bed. The next day, he expects her to be okay with his outrageous tantrum like it was nothing. What will he be flipping out about next? Were her sheets not soft enough?

Good Old Walmart

Yes, tantrums happen in Walmart; it’s no secret. When shops are short-staffed, things can end up a little confusing, hectic, and downright crazy. One man decided to yell at a staff member because his sons went to work but, according to him, they shouldn’t have been made to stay there.

Good Old Walmart

He was yelling so much the poor girl couldn’t get a word in. Hmmm, there’s still some confusion about what his actual problem was.

Raw Fish

What do you find in a sushi restaurant? Even those who don’t eat sushi can still tell you. Well, raw fish for a start, and a lot of it. One man, however, was so angry and upset that he tried to punch a worker because he discovered his sushi meal contained raw fish.

Raw Fish

Perhaps he needs food suggestions on where to go for cooked fish or some lessons about what a sushi bar is. What a ridiculous thing to get mad about in the first place!

Out of Stock

How dare a shop be out of stock late on occasions like Mother’s Day or Christmas? Many people come into the Hallmark store ranting and raving because they waited until closing to buy a gift for the occasion, and there’s no stock left.

Out of Stock

We’re not sure what you’d expect to find at closing on a special day, but fully stocked shelves are unlikely. These people expect a special area with stuff put aside for them when they show up at the last minute.

Some People Won’t Listen

Of course, it takes time to heat the food fryers to the correct temperature and prepare the food for cooking. There was one man who wasn’t happy with that and stormed off. Well, you might think that isn’t much of a tantrum, but he later returned to cause trouble.

Some People Won’t Listen

The staff had salads thrown at them because this silly little man didn’t get what he wanted. Charges were filed, so he might think twice about throwing salads in people’s faces next time.

You Have to Do It!

Neighbors can fight over loud music or barking dogs, but this tantrum is unusual. This man cracks loses his mind and goes off at his neighbor using colorful language because he won’t rake his yard for him.

You Have to Do It!

Uh, last time we checked, it wasn’t your neighbor’s responsibility to take care of your yard and do the maintenance work for you. Has he offered to do it for somebody else? We highly doubt that.

Returning the Clothes

If you buy clothes that don’t fit or don’t suit you after getting them home, you exchange them. It’s an easy process. Of course, there’s always someone who makes the process harder than it has to be.

Returning the Clothes

Wearing clothes and then trying to exchange them isn’t going to work. Due to it not working for one young woman, she throws a tantrum out the front of the store, staring at the cashier and crying hysterically. Her friend was so embarrassed that she begged her to leave.

Letting the World Know

Most people don’t want to go to work, but rather stay at home and enjoy their free time. The difference between most people and this lady is that she decided to let the whole world know she didn’t want to go to work. So instead of just telling someone to get it off her chest, she decided to scream it out on the train for several stops.

Letting the World Know

You could hear her screams through noise-canceling headphones and she most likely gave many people a headache. Geez, lady, we get it! Sometimes we don’t want to go to work either, but you don’t need to throw a tantrum about it!

Tantrum at the Dealership

Ah, yes, even people at car dealerships throw tantrums. One man who had worked there for 26 years got upset and went crazy. His tantrum consisted of throwing a pen, coat, and phone. He finished by slamming his hand on the wall and walked out.

Tantrum at the Dealership

Everyone in the shop heard him screaming and ranting. He sounds like a typical spoiled brat. You could even refer to him as a naughty toddler struggling with frustration. We wonder if he smashed his phone. Hopefully, karma took care of that.

Where’s the Discipline?

If someone says this person hasn’t been disciplined her whole life, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Probably a spoiled brat that’s prone to tantrums. Well, yes, that’s what happened here.

Where’s the Discipline?

Her mother didn’t bring her phone charger, and she went crazy over it. After she was confronted about her behavior, she started crying and wanted her mom to defend her. Let her stand on her own two feet with this one!


We have to laugh at these kids who think the world is all about them and the world should stop for them when they say so. A 23-year-old boy expected his mother to come home when she was out and threatened her if she didn’t.


He made good on his word as she arrived home to see that dishes, windows, and doors had been broken and damaged. Unfortunately, his mother accepted his behavior and defended him.

Cut Off

After work is a busy time, and the roads can get pretty crazy. Most people accept it if they’re cut off, or someone forgot their indicator, but one woman just couldn’t let it go. After she believed the bus had cut her off, she pulled up beside it and started screaming at the driver.

Cut Off

She then drove her car in front of the bus, stopped, and got out to continue yelling. She held up the whole lane of traffic, and people called the police. Everyone had to get off the bus and were told to walk home. Well, we suppose she got to say what she wanted to say.

Tantrums in the Retail Department

You’ll always come across a tantrum in a retail store, for sure. There’s one case that deserves mentioning, though. A woman with a child about five years old is yelling for the manager. He arrives, and then she yells at him because the machine won’t accept her credit card, and he has to fix it. The thing is, she wanted it fixed immediately.

Tantrums in the Retail Department

She freaks out after he says no and starts swearing, then tries to walk out with a candy her child has. She doesn’t think she should have to pay for that candy, so more yelling occurs because she didn’t get her way.


One man threw a tantrum because he had applied for overtime but wasn’t successful. He started swearing at the supervisor but broke down in tears when she said a few words. He seems to be another one that likes to dish out the harassment but doesn’t like getting it handed back to him.


He was sobbing like a child as he slammed his fist onto the desk. He said he wasn’t returning until she apologized. We don’t think they are fighting for him to return anytime soon.

Throwing the Cane

That’s right, someone threw a cane at the staff because they told her the medication she wanted wasn’t available. She expected them to make it appear quickly and started to throw a tantrum in the store when they didn’t.

Throwing the Cane

She was told the other store had it, but the lady wasn’t having that solution. That wasn’t anyone else’s fault at the store. We think riding a broom to the store would suit her well. She eventually explained the outburst was due to hunger.

Shutting Up Shop

In most cases, when a big complex shuts for the night, the smaller stores inside usually close simultaneously. Things got busy, and workers were still serving people half an hour later. This woman wanted mayonnaise, but it was all gone. The mother was okay at first, but when the child started having a tantrum, the woman wanted the mayo removed from all the sandwiches made but didn’t like it and wanted all of them remade.

Shutting Up Shop

What nerve! It’s past closing; they agreed to feed her and her children, then she acts like this. It’s just appalling! It’s no wonder her children are like that too.

Overtaking Gone Wrong

Two cars are facing each other, with the two drivers wanting to pass one another, but neither one is prepared to make some room for the other one to pass. This is typical petty behavior on the roads. Driving forward would solve the problem, but let’s make a scene, shall we?

Overtaking Gone Wrong

The tantrum began, and they stayed there because neither wanted to drive on a small area of rocks. Gosh, what next? We can’t believe how childishly these two women were behaving!

Watch Out for That Shoe

There’s always one extra difficult customer, and nothing seems to please them. There was one woman who had the salesperson bring her shoe after shoe because she didn’t like the previous one. After showing her every shoe, he asked if she liked any of them.

Watch Out for That Shoe

Well, for asking that question, he got a shoe thrown at him that hit him, mind you. Then, the lady screamed that she wouldn’t buy shoes there if they paid her. So the question is, why did she want to buy shoes there in the first place?

Hotel Chaos

If you book one bed, but when you arrive at the motel you want to change to two beds, there’s nothing anyone can do if they’re fully booked. We all understand that one. One man expected the manager to get him two beds, and he threw a bowl of fruit at the wall, along with his laptop.

Hotel Chaos

Security arrived and told him to leave, which resulted in kicking and screaming, as you would get after taking a toddler out of a toy store.

Expired License

This is another one of those common-sense situations. If your license is expired, you can’t drive a car or rent one. It wasn’t common sense to one woman who believed she could still use the license as it showed her identity.

Expired License

She wasn’t getting the point that she couldn’t drive the car away from the store, due to her expired license. Legally, they couldn’t rent her a car. It’s funny how so many others get it, but one person certainly doesn’t and won’t listen to anyone.

Upturned Table

One man’s tantrum ended with a table being turned over, drinks spilled everywhere, and food on the floor, all because there was something he didn’t like. He stormed out without explaining his tantrum to anyone. The poor people with him had to pay for his share of the food.

Upturned Table

In cases like these, a simple word to the waiter or chef would’ve sufficed and the incident would’ve been happily resolved. A nice approach and some manners can get you what you want, instead of acting like a child. Well, it’s his loss that he missed out on a great meal.

Charging by the Pound

A simple misunderstanding turned into a complete tantrum. The man was charged by the pound, but he believed the price was for the bunch. When the cashier pointed out proof that he was wrong, he got angry and complained that it was their fault and not his for not reading the sign properly.

Charging by the Pound

He could’ve just accepted that he was wrong, but we guess that’s too much for men with big egos. Even with proof that they’re wrong, they believe they’re right.

Flipping the Cart

It’s one thing to throw a few things around the store because something happened that you didn’t like, but upturning the whole cart onto the floor is terrible. Impressive, but still terrible!

Flipping the Cart

Her coupons didn’t go through, no biggie, was it really worth her tantrum? We feel sorry for the staff who had to reload everything back into the shopping cart and put it back where it belonged.

The Juice Box Saga

Juice boxes are more a kid’s thing; not many adults have them. For those who enjoy them, that’s fair enough, but don’t act like a child when you get one taken from you.

The Juice Box Saga

Given that she was dressed in a business suit, we wonder how this woman stays in business if she has a tantrum because security took her juice box from her. A different approach might have been more adult-like. But we think that’s asking too much.

All About Me

So, on the bus, there was only one important man there. This man decided it wasn’t okay for one person to open the window, and he started having a tantrum and slammed the window shut again.

All About Me

He then lectured everyone on the bus about how this man shouldn’t have opened the window because someone else might not like it. Someone got up and opened the window, and everyone told him where his place was, which was the end of that one.

Angry Mother

One mother got quite angry and thought it was necessary to start having a tantrum because her daughter didn’t get first place. The umpires were screamed at, and she threw equipment around. Everyone thought it would end in an assault; she was that out of control.

Angry Mother

The lady forced her daughter to leave, highly embarrassed, and then did the worst parent act by throwing the daughter’s trophy on the ground and leaving without it. The poor girl lost her trophy she would’ve been proud of, not to mention the embarrassment she went through.

Paying for Their Meal

Here’s one of those cases where a nice gesture turns into something bad that makes you wish you hadn’t bothered to do something nice. While at a restaurant, one family member decided to pay for everyone’s meal. Wow, what a nice thing to do!

Paying for Their Meal

Well, someone didn’t like that and kicked up a fuss because he wanted to pay so he could get more points to get a free movie. He argued and got angry. Things didn’t resolve until an apology was made by the man who paid for the meal. He can pay for our meal any time!

Car Wash Out of Service

In some places, when you’re getting gas, you can also pay for the car wash, making it more convenient to get a wash when you get gas. The man pays for both and heads around to the car wash.

Car Wash Out of Service

Due to the wash being out of service, he flips into tantrum mode. Inside, he yells at the service staff, who says he can use the car wash later instead. He starts cursing and throwing accusations around, then wants a refund of his gas because they wasted his time. That’s a funny one!

Bra Troubles

A lady goes into a bra fitting store, stating she wants a new bra after getting implants. The worker states it’s best to wait until the swelling goes down before buying, but this didn’t go down well. The crazy lady starts yelling and throwing racks onto the floor.

Bra Troubles

People lose their cool over ridiculous things! Had she bought bras that day, they’d be fitted to the swelling size. But once the swelling disappears, they wouldn’t fit properly. There was certainly no way of telling her that!

One Big Fight

Things got pretty crazy for one small company over some ridiculousness. There was yelling and screaming, and one woman was having a tantrum because she was on a diet and the desk next to hers had a container of candy sitting on it.

One Big Fight

It turned into a full-blown tantrum, things were being thrown around, and cursing between two women took place – all over a candy jar on a desk. Perhaps watch what you put on your desk next time.

Chicken Nuggets

Drive-throughs are usually busy, especially on special occasions or right at mealtimes. People make mistakes and forget the customer’s extra straws or napkins. Well, for this man, he didn’t get his barbeque sauce, and he wasn’t letting it go. He went through the drive-through, then came inside.

Chicken Nuggets

The customer received an apology and some extra sauce for the hassle, but that wasn’t good enough. He chucked those, and there was barbeque sauce everywhere on the walls, the staff, and the floor. This is absolutely childish behavior. He should be ashamed of himself!

Grocery Store Dilemma

Ingredients can change whether something is organic or not, but what you prepare the food on or cut it with won’t change anything. One woman believed that the staff cutting her organic bread on the standard non-organic bread cutter would somehow change the organic integrity. We haven’t heard anything more stupid than that!

Grocery Store Dilemma

Of course, after her tantrum, she didn’t get the reaction she wanted, so she took her bread and left the store without another word. What on earth was the point of that? We hope she felt justified in her behavior because we’re gobsmacked!