Spreading to Everyone Else
When kids coin a new word, it doesn’t often just stay with them. Their loved ones might pick it up as they communicate with the young child. It seems like this kid had a few that his mom picked up over the years.
Is someone really hurt? It’s time to call the boo-boo trucks. What do you use when you want something to serve as a barrier between your mattress and your blankets? You’ll need some bed skins for that.
Sounds Formal
There are some nicknames that your kids come up with that sound rather silly. On the other hand, some sound rather serious when they say them.
Hearing a child call today “this day” might give you a bit of a jump as such formal phrasing from a child. However, we have to wonder if, in a child’s voice, it might sound similar to trying to hit the word count on an English paper. Either way, he’s delighting his parents with the phrasing.
Particularly Poetic
Poets often bend over backward to come up with unique and poignant phrasing. How can you really make something every day sound so magical? It seems like this kid has cracked the code.
When she was trying to describe a dream one day, she substituted “dream” for this poetic turn of phrase. With prose like this off the top of her head, maybe creative writing is up her alley!
This One Makes Sense
Trampolines are almost every kids’ dream, even if they do make parents a little wary of a fall. Of course, it’s another thing that’s open to a variety of nicknames. It didn’t take long for this family to nickname trampolines “jumpolines.”
The source of the name is pretty obvious. It’s funny to see that it spread throughout the family — to the point that all of the kids decided this name was just better suited than “trampoline.”
Nicknames for Snacks
It isn’t just items that get renamed when your kids are young. Oftentimes, you’ll find that some of the food you love comes by different names to kids. These little guys were ready to rename some of their favorite foods.
Now, this family is ready for Taco Sandwich Tuesdays and they’re ready to grab a calzone when they need a pizza sandwich. All in all, we can see where they came up with these ones.
Gotta Look Pretty
Before you go out, you have to remember to put deodorant on, especially if you’re busy or if it’s a hot day that’ll make you sweat.
If you just looked at a stick of deodorant and watched someone use it, would the word “deodorant” come to mind if you hadn’t heard it before? For this kid, the nickname “armpit makeup” just makes more sense for something you put on your armpits.
Can I Have a Cinnamon Flatty?
As we just covered earlier, food is one thing that can spout a bunch of different nicknames from kids. Some are particularly unexpected and might really make you laugh.
This child surprised her parents the first time she wanted a snickerdoodle cookie. At least, that’s what they used to call them before this child ingeniously renamed them “cinnamon flatties” — which we would guess is based on flavor and shape.
Well, It’s How You Hold Them
When you want to grab a slice of pizza, where do you grab it? You wouldn’t just grab it by the middle and get sauce all over your hands, would you? That’s why they leave a crust around the edge of the pizza.
This way, it’s easy to pick it up and eat it without making a huge mess. That’s also why this little kid thought that the term “pizza handles” was more appropriate.
She’s Basically Right
The way that Pokémon are named seems to make a lot of sense. They just tell you their name and you know what to call them. That’s clearly the logic that this young kid had when she saw a goose for the first time.
From then on, these temperamental birds were always “honkeys” to her. We can see why this parent gets a lot of amusement out of it.
Snow Headphones
When it’s a cold, winter day and the wind is whipping, a jacket might not be enough to keep the chill out. It doesn’t cover everything! Namely, your ears will be left to get cold without anything to cover them.
That’s why you need a pair of earmuffs handy. On the other hand, if you’re a part of this family, you might call them “snow headphones” instead. It’s not a bad name for them!
Close, But Not Quite
When you’re a kid, you may not have too many secrets. However, those secrets seem a lot more interesting and hold a lot more gravity in a diary.
After all, they don’t call it a “secret diary” for nothing. Well, that’s what most people call it, at least. This kid had a different name for the book but she was doing her best. As for now, this mom was just going to enjoy the joke.
Pass the Cheese Pads
There are some foods that are a bit highly debated. As popular as Kraft Singles are, even the packaging only calls them a cheese product. So, can you really say it’s cheese? This kid wasn’t about to get caught up in technicalities.
At the end of the day, in her eyes, these slices were still cheese. Yet, the term sliced cheese is so tired, she replaced it with something that stuck around in the house. Can anyone pass the cheese pads?
This Is More Fun
There are some places that you never want to go and when you do, it can seem like there’s no place like them. This child came up with a nickname for one of those places that you’d rather not be.
However, it seems like sometimes you can’t help but step into a porta-potty. If you have to, at least call it something more fun — like this kid did.
Oh, Oh No
Kids come up with a lot of words that are so funny that families can’t help but adopt them themselves. Others are ones that you laugh at but probably don’t use.
We’re sure that the family erupted into laughter once they realized what this young kid was talking about. However, renaming eggs “butt fruit” doesn’t quite make them sound appetizing to add to your morning meal. Even so, we can see where this kid got the name.
Do You Remember?
When you’re taking a test or trying to recall a fact, you’ll have to reach into your mind and think about what you learned before.
Of course, if you aren’t very familiar with the term “memory” like a child might not be, you’ll have to come up with another term in its place. Honestly, “remembery” isn’t that far off when it comes to the word and it caught on fast in this household.
They Do Poke
When kids come up with nicknames for things, they usually rely on something that really defines an item and describes it. As for a cactus, it’s clear what makes them stand out from other plants.
If you aren’t careful, one might even prick or poke your finger! That’s why this child thought up the new name of “poke trees.” We wonder if small cactuses are still classified as trees.
All the Continents
At the end of the night, a lot of young children take a moment to say a wish or a prayer before they drift off to sleep. The contents of that can vary from person to person.
If you’re a parent, it’s interesting to hear these wishes. This kid’s wish stuck out for an interesting reason. We’ve gone our whole lives without realizing that France is in Syrup, not Europe.
A Bit Unsettling
There are a lot of things that kids nickname and, oftentimes, the names are cute and endearing. So much so, that the rest of the family might just keep those nicknames forever.
This child probably startled her parents when she used this turn of phrase for the first time. Technically, the nickname is correct. However, there’s something a little haunting about referring to your teeth as “smile bones.”
It’s Just a Better Name
It seems like everything has names. Even the buildings that you enter have names, especially the famous ones. It can be hard to keep everything straight.
One building that nearly everyone has heard about is the Empire State Building. Even this child had heard of it! On the other hand, they tripped up a little bit on the name. Honestly, Vampire State Building isn’t all that bad.
Look at All Those Zoo Chickens!
There are some animals that simply don’t look like any other that you’ve seen. Flamingos are definitely one of those animals.
These hot pink birds aren’t found everywhere so this kid didn’t see one until they were surprised by one at the zoo. As such, she couldn’t help but feel “zoo chickens” was the best new name that these birds could have. We can see where she came up with it!
The Perfect Name
A garbage disposal is shocking when you see it for the first time. After all, they’re loud and they can quite literally eat garbage right up.
This kid obviously probably wasn’t going to say the words “garbage disposal” right away. However, they did come up with a great name to use in place. Not to mention, “gobble button” is probably a lot easier for a four-year-old to say.
Is He Wrong?
When someone says that they have cat-like reflexes, they mean that they’re fast, agile, and ready for almost anything. Think of the way characters like Catwoman skate away from danger with ease.
Quite on the contrary, cows don’t quite have the same reputation. These large, spotted mammals are known for being a bit slow and lumbering. That left this parent wondering if they’re child was really self-aware or a bit off.
Changing Up the Concept
Another comic book-style concept is the idea of a forcefield you can summon to protect you from anything that comes your way. We suppose if you have some really protective horses, it could work out.
In addition, it seems like if you had enough horses, you’d probably actually have a hard time getting through them. However, we can see how this idea wasn’t quite so practical when it came to actual use.
What Else Are They For?
Pockets are a handy tool for any outfit. Why do you think people are so impressed when they finally get their hands on a dress with pockets?
You can put anything in there! A lot of people like to use these spaces for wallets, phones, and keys. When you’re young, you might not have these things to hold onto. For now, this child refers to pockets as “snack holes.”
Mom, Look at the Battle Unicorns!
Every animal has a name and that name is based on its characteristics, defining features, and honestly a range of different, outside inspirations.
Can you blame the child for coming up with an even better name for these animals? After all, while unicorns might not be real, there are some horned creatures in the world that are very real. We can see why rhinos would look like this to young eyes.
An Accurate Nickname
Sometimes, when kids come up with a nickname for something, it’s a literal definition. After all, they spend a lot of time observing the world around them and learning about it.
There are some things that just make sense to kids. To this child, it made sense that the water that comes from your eyes be called “wet drops of sad.” Of course, this might make happy tears a little confusing.
Sometimes, They’re Embarrassing
We all have our interests and those can vary from person to person. Fashion is a pretty common interest that a lot of people share.
So, saying that mom likes fashion shows probably wouldn’t stand out, even if they weren’t everyone’s cup of tea. However, with a toddler’s pronunciation, there was enough of a question here for the cashier to raise an eyebrow. We’re sure the attempt to fix that social mistake was swift and hilarious.
Teeth in Jail
If you didn’t know what braces are, they can look rather frightening. Someone would need to explain why there was metal on your teeth! As common as braces are, you might not know the word if you’re really young.
At that point, you’re up to observation to come up with a name for what you’re seeing. It turns out, “teeth jail” kind of makes sense for braces although they’re ultimately there to help.
Re-Using Words
If you’re renaming things, you may run into terms that you use to rename something, but that word actually already exists. After all, there are a lot of words in the English language and it’s bound to happen.
When this kid picked up speed, he was quick to let his mom know what he was doing. We can see where he got the idea of “fasting” from “going fast.” In reality, fasting actually means abstaining from food for a time.
That’s a Good One
There are some words that you don’t really think about having to use when you’re young until you find that you really need them. This kid just wanted to remember what had happened the day before.
“The day before” is a lot of words for a young child. Not to mention, there has to be a better word for it, right? That’s where this person’s daughter came up with “lasturday” in it’s place. It just makes sense!
Sort of?
Coffee is something many people rely on to get them through tough mornings after too little sleep or maybe just for an extra boost.
To use coffee beans, you have to grind them up and a lot of people buy them that way. When they’re ground up, they’re a fine brown powder, not too different from dirt in appearance. This kid just found a rather descriptive name for this morning drink.
Bless You
When you sneeze, you might need a tissue to help you out. So, it’s good to have a box of tissues nearby, even if their name isn’t as self-explanatory as some.
Early on, this kid obviously wasn’t familiar with the word “tissues.” Yet, they did know that every time they sneezed, someone made sure to say “bless you!” So, it makes sense that tissues would be dubbed the “bless you box.”
Open the Sky Window
Every car has windows on the front and back and one for each seat. Then, some cars have one more window above you to let in some more light and fresh air.
Most people call these vehicular windows sunroofs. However, we would argue that this kid has a better idea for a window. After all, what’s a sunroof for if not to view the sky? This name really gets right to the point.
Shaking it Up
There are some movies that are aimed at children and really impress their audiences. This kid couldn’t get over her viewing of Boss Baby.
Instead of Boss Baby, though, this little girl gave the movie a new title. This parent has a point, there’s something much darker about the title “A Baby Called Boss.” We wonder if she has any other serious names for kids’ movies.
Ah Yes, The Beatles
There are some bands that really leave their mark on the world and almost everyone has heard of them. Even this toddler knew about The Beatles!
Most of us know them by the names John, Paul, George, and Ringo. While Paul McCartney and George Harrison may have been correct, this kid was here to tell us that it’s actually Pingu, not Ringo — and Joe Lemons instead of John Lennon.
Well, That’s What They Do
We’ve already discussed that kids tend to give items pretty literal nicknames based on what an item does. It’s a simple naming system.
When it came to tennis shoes and sneakers, this kid has a new name for the laces. We have to say, they do tie, so we can’t really fault him for the name. In fact, it’s pretty straight to the point!
If Not Wrists
If you’re not renaming something based on what it does, you might name it based on what it reminds you of. There are plenty of words and phrases that have developed this way!
When it came to wrists, this kid couldn’t think of anything but hearing the word “ankles.” That wasn’t quite right, though, was it? We can see how they landed on “arm ankles.” We can also see why they would adopt the word “cucacumber.”
Warm Them Up!
When it comes to birds, you probably learn the word “bird” first. As for this kid, they were still working on learning the different types of birds.
Much like the “Halloween eagles” we looked at earlier, this young girl relied on the birds she knew to name one she didn’t recognize. As far as comparisons go, though, it’s not hard to see where she came up with “cold owls.”
Are They Wrong?
Escalators are a lot more convenient than stairs sometimes. After all, they move for you so you don’t have to deal with moving yourself.
This option is a much more fun name for the everyday item you might use at the airport or the mall. What are they, in the end, if not stairs with a robotic flair? They do all the work for you just like a robot might.
Your What?
When you want to cover the windows to keep the light out, you need to draw the curtain closed or the opposite if you want to let a little more light in.
If you use curtains to cover you windows, what do you use to cover your mattress when you’re ready to sleep? While you might go to the closet and grab a set of sheets, this kid couldn’t wait to get their “mattress curtains” back from the wash.
Twisted Words
Sometimes, you don’t necessarily see kids make up names for items completely on their own. There are times it’s just the closest they can get at that age.
This toddler was doing her best on her pronunciation but “bubble gum” was still “gubble bum,” which was just great as far as new names go. We can’t blame this parent for hoping the phrase sticks around a little longer.
That’s an Entirely Different Animal
There are some names that really work for animals when kids are searching for a nickname. Others are just more confusing. This one is definitely confusing.
On the other hand, we can guess that maybe this kid has heard of kangaroos but maybe hasn’t seen too many of them. All in all, though, it’s pretty funny that he just renamed squirrels to kangaroos.
An Optimistic Outlook
A lot of people spend a lot of the week waiting for Friday. For plenty of people, it’s the last day of the work week and the transition into their days off. This is also true for school children.
Who wants to sit in class compared to a weekend of doing just about whatever you can think of? This kid found a way to look at the days of the weeks optimistically. It’s not “only Thursday” now, it’s “Little Friday.”
Halloween Eagles
Eagles are particularly recognizable birds. Their huge and you probably see a lot of imagery of them, especially in the United States. A crow is another recognizable bird but kids aren’t usually the most avid avian experts.
So, when this kid saw a big, black bird, they knew exactly what was up. That’s an eagle but now he’s ready for Halloween, of course. We might not call them anything else from now on.
They’re Making Clouds?
There are some things that would definitely confuse you the first time you saw them, even if you were too young to remember that experience.
When this kid saw a smoke stack for the first time, she saw the smoke billowing in the air and it clicked. This must be where they make clouds. This is a really fun way to look at it, so nobody explain pollution to her just yet.
When you’re a kid, you still have a lot to learn — including how to talk! If you’ve ever taught a child to speak, though, you know it’s a marathon rather than a quick task. Plus, some words are just hard for these little guys as they just start to master the language! That’s why many parents remember when certain nicknames made their way into the family’s lexicon.